Cosmetic Dermatology

High to Low: 3 Levels of Exfoliation to Ease You Into Fall

September 15, 2019

The changing seasons isn’t just the perfect opportunity for you to get a new wardrobe, but it’s also a great chance for you to get better skin. Typically, when we transition from summer to fall, patients experience dry, peeling skin which can be a bit irritating. To get rid of dry skin, exfoliation is key,...  read more

How to Avoid Too Much Sun During Spring Break

March 15, 2019
skin care treatments Chevy Chase, MD

With Spring break just around the corner, you may have big plans to head somewhere warm and soak up some sun. Even though a little Vitamin D can go a long way, too much may leave you with sun damage that will haunt you for years. To make sure that you don’t leave the beach...  read more

What Makes Us Unique

April 15, 2018
dermatological services Chevy Chase MD

With so many spas offering cosmetic procedures like micro needling, microdermabrasion, and Botox it can seem like there’s practically one around every corner, which can make choosing a spa to go to feel overwhelming. Here at Chevy Chase Dermatology, we pride ourselves on being unique, which we feel, makes us a better choice. But how...  read more

How to Achieve Your Ultimate Skin Goals

March 15, 2018
Skin care treatments Washington DC

It can sometimes seem like your list of skin goals can go on and on. You want more collagen in your skin, fewer wrinkles, and a evener skin tone all across your face. But, how can you achieve these goals? And is it easy to get the skin that you want? Let’s take a closer...  read more

How to Get Rid of Hyperpigmentation

June 15, 2017
Hyperpigmentation Correction Chevy Chase, MD

Having a little color on your skin is one thing but having hyperpigmentation is a whole other issue. As a skin condition that causes your skin to look red and blotchy without makeup on, hyperpigmentation occurs when the skin produces too much melanin. Luckily, as one of the areas of the skin that we frequently...  read more

April Promotion: 20% OFF REGENICA Human Stem Cell Growth Factor Skincare!

March 9, 2016


Dr. Margaret Sommerville, a Chevy Chase Cosmetic Dermatologist on Why Everyone Should Consider Using These Skincare Products

February 12, 2016

WHY EVERYONE SHOULD CONSIDER USING THESE SKINCARE PRODUCTS PRESCRIPTION-STRENGTH RETINOIDS, SUCH AS RETIN A, REFISSA, RENOVA: Consider these a foundation of any well-designed anti-aging skincare protocol. Why? Because research has demonstrated that consistent use of these vitamin A derivatives, creates a substantial layer of new collagen in the skin, which corresponds to a statistically significant...  read more

‘Tis the Season for Cosmetic Procedures: Why Winter Can Be a Great Time for Treatment

November 15, 2015

You don’t need to wait for a specific time of the year for a cosmetic procedure, but as we approach colder months, you might want to consider the benefits of treatment during the winter. Winter is a great time in particular for procedures that use a laser, including resurfacing, hair removal, surgery, and spider vein...  read more


July 27, 2015

Good looking workers make $230,000.00 more over their lifetime in comparison to the less “aesthetically-appealing” counterparts according to the recent Time magazine article. Additionally in recent years, due to ubiquitous social media and phone cameras, not just celebrities, but all of us can be photographed and “publically-displayed” at any time. Five years ago, Brazil made...  read more


June 9, 2015

Recent study published in Cosmetic Surgery Times found that facial rejuvenation procedures alter ways in which patients are perceived by others well beyond making them look younger. The data demonstrate an increase in the likeability, social skills, attractiveness and femininity. At Chevy Chase Dermatology, we offer a carefully selected menu of well-researched, minimally-invasive procedures that...  read more

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